you know that feeling when you grow older..... right?
you know sons are trouble..... right?
you just breathed my air..... right?
you moved next to my place (WTF?)..... right?
you moved your car next to mine in the parking lot..... right?
you moved your office closer to mine..... right?
you moved your office close to mine..... right?
you are looking out of office window right now..... right?
you just can't stop .....just cant't..... right?
you feel for those bubbles..... right?
can you quote C.B. on style? U just can't..... right?
you are experiencing the last days "on sale"..... right?
you know it's fun makin balls out of sand..... right?
you didn't make it..... right?
you watch ships come and go too (and I m on one of them)..... right?
you watch ships come and go too..... right?
you follow the 15th Aug madness..... right?
you are getting lazy (bored maybe?)..... right?
you saw the falling stars..... right?
you know it's "cold"..... right?
>you just have to click the reload button..... right?
you are in the movies (with me)..... right?
you are in the movies..... right?
you are above the b-day cake (or will be in a year)..... right?
you like stripes..... right?
you have completely lost track of time..... right?
you missed the point completely..... right?
you are trying to see my point..... right?
you still working, working, working..... right?
you are a man in black (with a big black gem ring)..... right?
you wish you knew that figure..... right?